Thursday, August 25, 2011

Herd Bound

Well. That trip out was not what I expected. I hopped on Status first, hoping to have a quick 20 minute ride on a loose rein. He was a total bore during trotting- I actually had to threaten him with rein thwacks a few times to get him to move off of my leg. The heat was a bit better than earlier today, but still pretty brutal, so as long as he was moving forward at a trot I didn't mess with him (except for the few times I threatened him when he tried to ignore my leg and walk). So going into the canter I expected a lot of the same thing.. and then he decided to be difficult and got really fast. Mind you this was me riding on a loose rein, being quiet and not egging him on at all. So trying to take off was NOT OKAY. Since he wanted to work.. I made him work. Reins got short, leg went on big time, and I made him round up and canter like a gentleman. We did a couple laps around the ring making a circle in each corner, switched direction, did the same the other way, then took a breather so he could catch his breath. Then I asked for the canter again, gradually loosened the reins, and he cantered like a gentleman on a loose rein :)

Since Status didn't take very long he wasn't hot and only took a few minutes to cool down and take back. Then I haltered Brie and took her down to the turnout, thinking I would let her roll and chill for a few minutes then tack up and get on. No such luck. We recently had two rescues delivered and one is stabled next to her, up on the hill without any other horses around.. needless to say they have gotten very close in the past two days. Like.. shit was going down close. So we're going to have to work on that. I stuck her in the turnout until she stopped screaming and trotting up and down the side, then took her out and did some in-hand work in the arena leading her around jumps and doing lots of stopping and backing up until she was listening to me. Then she got to go back.

Unfortunately since I had to do more work with both of those two I didn't have enough time to work Rushie, so I just took her into the cross ties and had some grooming/bonding time with her. That mare is such a sweetheart, I can't even believe how sociable and adorable and amazing she is. I wish I had the opportunity to buy her.. but unfortunately that's not in the cards.

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