Friday, November 4, 2011


Tuesday the chica was naughty. Naughty naughty naughty. I got on and attempted to hack around during the lesson that was taking place, in continuation of the trying to get her used to other horses in the ring, but she was so unfocused that everything we did was a fight. Posting trot: fight. Sitting trot: fight. Canter pickup: fight. Staying slow: holy cow, was that a fight. She was not having anything to do with staying relatively slow and I was having zero success making her listen to me. I tend to get frustrated and start to lose my cool, so I hopped off before I started getting angry. She absolutely BLEW UP in the turnout ring- bucking and leaping and galloping full speed ahead at the railing. I swear she almost jumped it a few times. It was then I decided I wanted to end the workout on a better note, so i got out the lunge line and chased her in a circle until she was licking her lips and positively dragging. Then I saddled her up again, made her trot and canter nicely twice around the ring, and called it a night. She was spectacular after I had completely exhausted her; it just frustrates me that it's necessary to run her around that much before she'll listen. She was completely drenched in sweat after that, though, so I spent about an hour walking her out and letting her dry. I REALLY need to invest in a cooler.

Today it rained moderately, but I drove out to the barn anyway to see if the ring was rideable. It was rideable.. and then it started raining again, so I got on her bareback while she had her nice snug waterproof blanket on and just walked her around. I'm hoping hacks like this where everything is low key will get the point across that not everything is a race.

Tomorrow is the Halloween Horse Show, I will be sure to post pictures!

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