Notice has been given and the receiving barn has been notified that Rush will be joining their family- all that remains, now, is waiting! And planning the trailer ride over. Details.
The first frost/snow and subsequent frozen ground for the past week kind of unbalanced Rush for a bit, but I think she's getting the hang of it. Luckily the frozen ground now means that she's getting most all of her hay, and as a result she's really packed on the pounds, to the point where her ribs are barely visible :)
She'll be moving on the 9th/10th, I've determined. I just need to figure out the logistical details. A wonderful, wonderful friend has offered to trailer her over for me, so I don't need to worry about finding a trailering company (any paying them!) to move her over. I'm ridiculously excited for her to move, especially since she'll be right next to the indoor ring instead of half a mile away (maybe I'm exaggerating, but it's still a PITA to get her from her pasture to a ring). I think she'll really like having friends in her turnout again, and it'll be adorable to watch the bay TB mare herd wander around the mare pasture.
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