Rush got shuffled over to her new pasture yesterday, and I went out today to finish the move by trucking my stuff across the street into the tack room over there. Many thanks to the groom (Elio? Edilio? I can't remember his name :/ ) who helped me move my tack trunk, cause it started pouring while I was trying to move and if he hadn't put the trunk in his little golf cart thingie I would have gotten drenched trying to drag it over. As is I got pretty soaked.
I'm pretty unimpressed with the pasture. It's got more grass than her old one, so she can spend all day grazing, but a large chunk of it is just straight up mud and apparently they use it to dump manure in, because there are a bunch of piles down towards the bottom. The electric fence is sagging on one side so it only comes up to maybe 2.5 feet.. good thing Rush isn't adventurous! Those two trees are the only ones in the pasture to provide shelter from the rain, and they don't do a great job at that. Not that Rush is smart enough to stand under them anyways; she's the one in the blue blanket off in the distance getting dumped on.
Pros to the move: tack room has electricity! And also windows that actually close! I'm hoping it'll be a little more temperature controlled in there so that my things aren't /always/ damp. Soggy helmet=gross. Seriously.
The little mini barn is pretty nice, and the stalls are decently roomy. The one thing I'm confused about is the shavings.. they literally use a light dusting to cover the stall (barely!). Why even bother?
I brought Rush in out of the rain and let her chill in a stall as I moved everything over/got everything organized, then gave her a quick grooming and tossed her back outside. Right now I'm super confused about the pasture situation; from my talk with the BO I was under the impression that having her brought in at night/during rough weather was an option on the table but one that I had to pay more for. Then today I got a text saying they brought the horses in for the night cause it was raining pretty hard. I'll have to talk to her and get that sorted out; ideally Rush would come in at night because her coat's still pretty thin and her blanket, although waterproof, is getting pretty wet from the constant downpour. If she was brought in at night I could have them switch off her waterproof blanket for the non-waterproof one, and then the waterproof one would get a chance to dry off and it would be great.
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