It was actually ridiculously cold this morning and I'm really glad I put on a last-minute third layer before going out, because I definitely needed it! I usually take off my layers while riding because I get too hot, but I kept everything on today and then some and was still a little frozen by the end. There was frost EVERYWHERE and even some icicles hanging off of jumps! This was my first riding experience in actual coldness and I have a lot to learn, like how to tack up without killing my fingers on cold metal.

We probably trailed for a little under half an hour and then came back to the outdoor arena to get some real work done. I got some nice consistent trotting in, where she was solid and steady in the bridle instead of ducking under it like she's prone to do when she has energy. She started off a little fast and hollow but relaxed after I did some wacky patterns and serpentines to get her listening a little better.
There was a crosspole line set up down one side of the ring, and since I'm focusing on slow and consistent solid jumping I took her through the line at the trot a couple times before cantering. She was a trooper at the trot and didn't pull any shenanigans, although I did need to straighten her out a couple times. I really focused on pulling her together after each jump, since my bad habit is to throw everything away after a jump and praise her for just getting over it. I have to keep reminding myself that this is BAD and she needs to know that just jumping it isn't enough anymore, she has to keep listening afterwards.

At this point I decided to make it more 'course like' and did some continuous jumping at the canter to work on staying in one rhythm without freaking out after each jump. She did pretty well until I asked her for a long spot over a downhill jump and then we became a freight train, but after I halted and made her turn around, trot over it, then canter back down in she settled back down. This is actually kinda huge because usually when she gets in trouble for something she freaks out and gets really hollow and anxious and ignored everything, so us being able to work through that was awesome.
I'm definitely going to start working on lead changes, but I have to figure out a plan of attack for them before I start because last time things didn't go too well and I ended up creating another problem even though she did start executing lead changes.
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