Monday, August 22, 2011

Meet the Herd

I wasn't always an avid rider. That description used to be allotted to my sister, who was always at the barn riding and foot jumping and getting into general mischief. I rode because she rode- it was fun, too, but it wasn't my main deal. I had soccer two or three or four times a week and loved it. Riding was once a week, if I felt like it, and was never a priority.

That changed the end of sophomore year. My sister had left for college a year prior, effectively cutting me off from being 'in the know' at the barn. All the riders were either several years older than me or several years younger, and nobody in my age group- this was why I had remained so distant even though I was getting older and more interested in horses. It probably didn't help that I was still a bit shy and wasn't very good at approaching people. But I dealt with that, and approached the girls who rode there, and BAM. I was accepted. And from then on, it was all horses, all the time.

It's amazing what having barn friends can do. It completely revolutionized the atmosphere for me; changed it so that I actually felt comfortable and welcome. I went to the barn more often, rode more often, and actually wanted to go on days I didn't have a lesson. Since then, with a little help from the all knowledgable sister, I've sprouted into a decent rider who can hold her own on horseback.

So that's me. Boring, I know. Here's the part that we all like- the horses!


This guy is my savior. I've been on him so long I don't even remember- probably close to five years now. He taught me everything- how to stay quiet, how to assert myself when needed, how to jump bareback (although not recommended on him if you want to have children).. the list goes on. He's an amazing horse but is older (probably at least mid 20s by now) and just can't do what I need anymore. This blog is starting up at the last month of me leasing him- hopefully I can push other people on him often enough that one little girl falls in love and becomes his person. I'll always take care of this guy, and make sure he has what he needs, but it's just not practical for me to be leasing him when my abilities so far outdistance his.


This not-so-handsome guy is Status. You can't really tell in this picture (winter fluff and all), but he's got weight issues and has been showing rib for the past 2 years. I recently put him on Triple Crown Senior and WOW has he ballooned out! Ribs are still there, but another two weeks and they should be gone. I'm super excited for him to be putting on weight so fast, especially with winter right around the corner. Now Satus here is an awkward situation for me. One of my friends technically leases him, but he is way too much horse for her right now and she isn't able to get out to the barn often enough so he's crazy and hyper every time she gets on. Starting last winter/this spring I started hopping on him and he's become basically a second lease horse for me that I don't have to pay for.. problem is, I've gotten him mostly figured out and she still can't ride him the way he needs to be ridden. I've convinced her to move to another horse for several months so that she can actually learn how to be a better rider instead of staying stuck in a rut on Status, and starting in September I'm going to be leasing this guy.

 I apologize for the not so great picture, I don't have many of this guy. Webbie was my charge for this past year, as his owner bought him from the BO and then left for college. He's an old conformation hunter who used to win big, but has some soundness issues and starts out really stiff. I worked him as much as I could in order to get him really soft and supple and he is in fantastic shape. Ever since I began getting him out on a regular basis his soundness issues have gone POOF! which is great. This is a really nice horse right here, but I never bonded with him the way I like to with the horses I ride.


 This adorable new mare is one of my new two projects, and will likely be a prominent feature in this blog. She's an 11 year old ex-racehorse turned broodmare (3 babies) who was brought down from BO's ranch to be turned into a hunter. I've been working with her for about two months now and we've had some really big break-throughs and set backs, which I'll clue you in on later. This is one AMAZING horse- impeccable ground manners, sweet and docile, incredibly gorgeous mover. Her one fault is that she's very anxious under saddle and can be pretty spooky. We're working through it, but she'll never be a little kids horse in this decade.


Please excuse the awful angle and such, this picture does this lovely little mare no justice. She's a bit ugly to look at right now, but once she's all muscled up and fat she's going to be a looker. Same background as Rush- they were actually brought up together. The BO insists on calling her BB but Brie is so much better (racing name was Briefcase Beauty) so that is what I refer to her as. Although she was trailered down with Rush she did not become my project at the same time Rush did- I've actually only been working with her for a couple days as of now. She's a sweetheart and loves attention, and is not spooky at all which makes her so much easier to ride than Rush.

So that's it! I worked the summer camp at the barn today AND rode Rush, Brie, and Status so I am a little exhausted. Tomorrow (hopefully) I'll write about Rush and how things have been going with her, and then sometime in the near future I will give you the low down on Brie. Ciao!

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