Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Away to WA

 Well, today was the day. I headed off to the barn around 6:30 and got there a little before 7. I hung out with Rush for a bit, giving her one last brushing and feeding her treats before I went to pack up the last crumbs wandering around. I found the mane and tail brush, miraculously, and had to re-open the tack trunk in order to cram it in.. that was fun. It involved lots of grunting and straining and wondering why the heck they designed the locking mechanism for the trunk that way. I wrapped her legs before heading into the lounge to wait for the trailer, and good lordy those were some finicky  wraps! I have two sets of two different wraps. One of the sets was stiffer than the other and I had a hard time wrapping her leg without the end sticking out oddly; it refused to be tucked down and basically made my life really difficult for like ten minutes. Eventually I got a decent job done. Around 7:30 Bob Hubbard called and said they would be there shortly, so I dragged my trunk out and snapped some last minute pics of my pony before taking her out to the trailer. She was an angel loading, never even hesitated and marched right on, which was a relief since I didn't actually know if she got fiesty loading or not. After a couple minutes of packing up they were driving down the street, headed to Washington!

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